A Best Selling Book by Joy Thomas Moore Available Now! Click on links below.
A Best Selling Book by Joy Thomas Moore Available Now! Click on links below.
In my book Power of Presence, I write about the need to have a group of
caring friends and relatives - a pride - who surround a family with love and
support, to help those of us who are struggling navigate the waters of single
parenthood. But a pride for many is more than people power. A pride
sometimes has to expand to include a community of organizations that
connect resources and supports that we may need in looking for a home, or
food, or legal assistance, a safe haven, advice in making our dollars stretch, or
organizations that will enrich the lives of our children.
The following list of resources were carefully selected to provide help
when there is a need. Most of these resources are free but all have been tested
by time and effectiveness. If you need it, don’t be afraid or ashamed to seek
help. We all need it from time to time.
4- H - Free: https://4-h.org - You can find your local 4-H to find the right program for your child
that fits within a family budget and schedule, meet 1/week to 1/month.
After School All Stars https://afterschoolallstars.org/give/get-involved
Programs only take place at Title I schools where more than 50% of students qualify for the
Federal Free and Reduced Lunch Program, in over 350+ school sites across the U.S.
AllStar Code http://www.allstarcode.org/ - Free: This program, founded in 2014 by the
daughter of entrepreneur Reginald F. Lewis, provides young men of color the skills, networks
and mindsets they need to succeed in coding and computer programs so they can create new
futures through technology.
Boys and Girls Club of America https://www.bgca.org/programs - Free: Can easily find a
club in your community that offers innovative programs designed to empower youth to excel in
school, become good citizens and lead healthy, and productive lives.
Camp Fire http://campfire.org/programs/out-of-school-time/after-school Free: Camp Fire
partners with schools in many communities to deliver programming before and after school.
Programs vary by location. Contact your local Camp Fire office for information about programs,
activities, and volunteer opportunities in your area.
Campaign for Grade-Level Reading http://gradelevelreading.net – Free: A national network of
civic leaders, policymakers, advocates, community organizations and families committed to
making sure kids are reading on grade level by the fourth grade. More than forty states, Puerto
Rico, the Virgin Island, the District of Columbia and Calgary, Canada have made this goal a top
Child Care Aware http://www.childcareaware.org/ - Free: State by State Resources Map for
Families, to locate safe and affordable child care in your ZIP code. It does this by connecting
parents with child care providers throughout the country.
Girls Inc. http://www.girlsinc.org/findagirlsinc./girls-inc-usa-and-canada.html/ - Free: Girls
Inc. delivers life-changing programs that inspire girls to be strong, smart, and bold. The network
of local Girls Inc. nonprofit organizations serves girls ages 6 - 18 annually.
Head Start https://www.acf.hhs.gov - Free: Community Head Start Locator to find out
eligibility guidelines and application process for early childcare 0-5.
YMCA http://www.ymca.net/ - Free: Can find your YMCA by searching with your city, state or
zip code and then reach out to them to see what afterschool programs are available in your area.
Divorce Headquarters, Inc. http://www.divorcehq.com/ - Free: From finding an attorney to
Children’s and Grandparent’s Rights to Child Support guidelines. An online state-wide calculator
is available.
Office of Child Support Enforcement https://www.acf.hhs.gov - Free: Find your state on a map to email or call your local child support office.
They will help you open a case, change the amount of your child support payments, if
appropriate, and answer specific questions about your case.
Madison Trust Company: Money for College: A Guide to Scholarships and Financial Aid. https://www.madisontrust.com/client-resources/articles/money-for-college-guide-to-scholarships-and-financial-aid/ Several avenues available to help secure financial aid for those entering the world of higher education. Financial aid is money you can apply for to help pay for college.
Charlotte W. Newcombe Foundation http://www.newcombefoundation.org/ - Free: If you are
35 or older, and have done well in college thus far, you may be able to get a scholarship from
Newcombe. Awards are made directly to the college or university.
Fastweb http://www.fastweb.com/ - Free: Leading online resource for finding scholarships for
all students, with special search capacity for bilingual students, Hispanics, African Americans,
and veterans. Fastweb members are matched to relevant scholarship opportunities completely
free of charge.
Federal Student Aid http://www.fafsa.ed.gov/ - Free: The first step in getting any kind of free
or low-interest funding for college.
Soroptimist -Best for Women http://www.soroptimist.org/ - Free: Education and training
awards for women. Each year, more than $1.7 million in education grants are awarded to more
than 1,300 women, many have overcome enormous obstacles including poverty, domestic
violence and/or drug and alcohol abuse. Live Your Dream Awards recipients may use the cash
award to offset any costs associated with their efforts to attain higher ed: books, childcare, tuition
and transportation.
U.S. Department of Education https://www2.ed.gov/programs/ - Free - The Federal
Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant FSEOG Program provides need-based grants to
help low-income undergraduate students finance the costs of postsecondary education. Institution
must give priority to those students with “exceptional need” (those with the lowest Expected
Family Contributions who are also Federal Pell Grant Recipients).
211.org http://www.211.org - Free: This is a national clearinghouse that is a free and
confidential service that helps people across the US and in many parts of Canada find local
resources, including food banks.
Catholic Charities https://catholiccharitiesusa.org/ - Varies: Catholic Charities provides critical
services to people with a low income. Many of the services are offered on a sliding scale. Their
programs include support for finding affordable housing, providing information on food
assistance, and counseling to empower people to find better paying employment.
Feeding America http://www.feedingamerica.org/ - Free; Provides a food bank locator to find
pantries near you if you need food today. You can also apply for a SNAP card through the
Summer Food Rocks https://www.fns.usda.gov/summerfoodrocks/ -Free: Nutritious free meals
are available for children and teens 18 and younger at many locations throughout the nation
throughout the summer while school is out of session. Website provides a mapping tool to find a
site near you.
Food Pantries.org http://www.foodpantries.org/ - Free: Lists food pantries by state.
National School Lunch Program https://www.fns.usda.gov/energizing-your-day-school-breakfast-introduction-school-breakfast-promotion-efforts-pcfsn-and-usda - Free: Provides links to application, eligibility requirements, rates of
reimbursement and fact sheet.
School Breakfast Program https://www.fns.usda.gov/sbp/school-breakfast-program-sbp/ -
Free: Provides links to application, eligibility requirements, rates of reimbursement and fact
SNAP https://www.fns.usda.gov/snap/state-directory - Free: This is the Supplemental Nutrition
Assistance Program. Many states will now allow you to apply for a SNAP card online. Begin by
researching the SNAP eligibility requirements to see if you are eligible for grocery shopping
dollars in your state.
WIC https://www.fns.usda.gov/wic/women-infants-and-children-wic/ - Free: The Women,
Infant and Children program site provides a prescreening Tool to see if you are eligible for WIC
benefits. The tool is offered in many languages. WIC provides Federal grants to States for
supplemental foods, health care referrals, and nutrition education for low-income pregnant,
breastfeeding, and non-breastfeeding postpartum women, and to infants and children up to age
five who are found to be at nutritional risk.
Attorneys.com http://www.attorneys.com/child-custody/custody-rights-the-singlemother/
Free: Good place to start if you need to learn what your custody rights are.
Legal Services Corporation http://www.lsc.gov/about-lsc/who-we-are/ - Free: Legal Services
Corporation provides legal advice on civil matters to qualified, low-income individuals.
Legal Match https://www.legalmatch.com - Free: Legal match will help
you find the right lawyer based on your city or county, on the specifics of the consumer's case
and the lawyer's location and area of legal practice.
211.org http://www.211.org/ -Free: A number of churches attempt to help needy families
provide Christmas presents or holiday dinners. To find out who in your area is offering
assistance call 211 and ask for local church listings.
American Association of Retired Persons http://www.aarp.org/experience-corps/ -Free:
AARP Foundation Experience Corps is an intergenerational volunteer-based tutoring program
that is proven to help children who aren’t reading at grade level become great readers by the end
of third grade.
CNCS https://www.nationalservice.gov/ - Free: Through the Corporation for National and
Community Service volunteers are investing their time, energy and talent to improve the lives of
others and strengthening their communities. In the process, they are building a more engaged
society and becoming leaders in civic life.
Generations United https://www.gu.org/ Free: The mission of Generations United is to
improve the lives of children youth and older people through intergenerational collaboration,
public policies, and programs for the enduring benefit of all.
iMentor https://imentor.org/ - Free: iMentor builds mentoring relationships that empower
first generation students from low-income communities to graduate high school, succeed in college,
and achieve their ambitions. Operating in three areas of the country – New York City, Chicago
and the Bay Area of California – iMentor provides mentors to 44 schools, who have to commit to
mentoring that student for at least three years.
International Mentoring Association http://mentoringassociation.org/ - Free: Provides access
to monthly mentoring webinars, newsletter and quarterly magazine.
Marine Toys For Tots https://www.toysfortots.org/donate/locate.aspx/ Free: You can
enter your address to see what local Toys for Tots Campaigns are in your area and call the centers
directly to see how you can apply and request a toy.
Mentoring.org http://www.mentoring.org/ - Free: The only national database of youth
mentoring programs connecting volunteers to opportunities in their local communities.
Mentoring USA http://www.mentoringusa.org/ - Free: The nation’s first state-wide, school
based, one-to-one mentoring program that promotes volunteerism and recruiting of more
National CARES Mentoring Movement http://www.caresmentoring.org/ - Free: National
CARES Mentoring Movement has launched The Risings, consciousness-changing, group mentoring
initiatives equal to the crisis our under-resourced children are facing.
Salvation Army Christmas Assistance http://salvationarmyusa.org/
usn/christmas-assistance/ Free: Donations and financial assistance provide Christmas dinners,
clothing, and toys for families in need, including families of prisoners. Contact your local Corps
Community Center by using the location search, most locations begin registration as early as
UpHomes https://www.uphomes.com/blog/buy-house-single-parent.html Guide titled "How to Buy a House as a Single Parent." This guide was designed to help single parents get into the home that they and their children need and so rightfully deserve.
211.org http://www.211.org/ - Free: Many churches are able to pay some or all of your
living expenses for up to one month. To be connected with who helps in your area, go to the
national 211 website.
Bridge of Hope https://bridgeofhopeinc.org/ - Free: This is a Christian-based organization.
They reach out to churches to find people who are willing to help homeless women and children.
Bridge of Hope provides opportunities for those who want to help and be helped. Women
wanting help must be U.S. citizens and they must be homeless.
Catholic Charities https://catholiccharitiesusa.org/efforts/affordable-housing/ Free: Catholic
Charities, among other goals, works to prevent homelessness by providing financial assistance
for rent, mortgage or utility payments; and by helping to resolve issues that may lead to
homelessness. Contact your local Catholic Charities to see what housing options are in your area.
CoAbode http://www.coabode.org/about/article/1/ - Free: CoAbode is nationwide and in
Canada. Membership is free to help you locate members in your community to connect for house
sharing. Matches based on shared values, personalities and goals.
Habitat for Humanity http://www.habitat.org/getinv/apply.aspx/ -Free: Requires you to
help build homes before you get one of your own. Homebuyers invest hundreds of hours of their
own labor, called sweat equity, working alongside volunteers and other Habitat homeowners.
HUD https://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/HUD?src=/topics/buying_a_home/ Free: The
Department of Housing and Urban Development has different programs available to help you
buy your dream home. For information on renting a HUD subsidized housing unit, search this
HUD site. https://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/HUD?src=/topics/rental_assistance/
Housing Choice Voucher Programs and HUD Public Housing Program for rental assistance.
Making Homes Affordable https://www.makinghomeaffordable.gov/pages/default.aspx/
Free: If you have a home, having difficulty paying your mortgage, need help from a housing
counselor, and need to know what your mortgage assistance options are available - this is a good
Mercy Housing https://www.mercyhousing.org
Free: Representing 60 percent of Mercy Housing's adult resident population, women are an
important part of their communities across the country. They remain committed to serving
women and mothers through affordable housing properties as well as resident services.
National Homeless Shelter Directory http://nationalhomeless.org/references/directory/
Can locate homeless shelters simply by searching your city, many listings per state with all of
their contact info and available resources and programs.
Operation Hope https://www.operationhope.org - Free: Learn about the
basics of owning your own home, from mortgages to homeowner’s insurance.
Salvation Army http://salvationarmyusa.org/usn/housing-and-homeless-services/ -
Free: For those families with temporary needs, family service programs help families and needy
individuals with emergency food, housing, and utility assistance. Enter zip code to find the
Salvation Army facility nearest you.
Social Serve.com http://www.socialserve.com/ -Free: Find affordable rental housing by state.
CounselingDegreesOnline.org. Looking to obtain an advanced degree in psychology that will fit into your hectic schedule?
Look at the Counseling Education Guides to help job seekers, professionals, and students understand the changing landscapes of these programs and their impact on careers and employment. You can view the guides here:
Key updates to both websites include:
- A comprehensive look at the growth of online counseling programs at not-for-profit universities
- Tips for pursuing a graduate behavioral counseling program while working
- A list of the top educational programs calculated with the ROI against a student's degree
Epic Mommy Adventures http://epicmommyadventures.com/ Free: It’s a good mix of
every day randomness, inspiration and motivation for single parenting success and how
extremely hard it is. You can sign up to get an email for newly added posts, but you can also
access posts anytime.
Kaywanda Lamb http://www.kaywandalamb.com/blog/ - Free: Provides
“Happy, Healthy, Whole and Healed” Coaching, but you can also access her posts for free on
The Winning Single Mom website.
Nakisha Wynn http://www.nakishawynn.com/ - Free: Orlando
family lifestyle blog for single working moms. Nakishawynn.com focuses on single parenting,
self care, confidence, entrepreneurship and family fun.
Single Mom Chic Life https://singlemomchiclife.com/ - Free: Single Mom
Chic life is full of life advice, fashion and beauty tips. Tonya Parker is a counselor, blogger, and
former single mom who wrote "Single Mom Chic," about her journey as a single mom includes
simple steps to help single moms live their best lives: full of tips on career strategies, creating a
chic home and wardrobe on a budget, dating, etc.
Single Moms Planet http://www.singlemomsplanet.com/blog/ - Free: This is
Los Angeles based, you can sign up sign up for daily devotionals, gain local information on
upcoming playdates, community activities, fit mom workout club schedule, and how to get
Single Moms Power https://singlemomspower.com/blog/ - Free: Nerdy, geeky,
fearless, self-motivated, and proud single mother whose mission is to empower other single
moms to become masters and shapers of their destiny.
Single Parent Advocate http://www.singleparentadvocate.org/ -Free: Single
Parent Advocate is a non-profit organization committed to educating, equipping and empowering
single parents with resources, practical assistance, emotional encouragement and social
networking. A good base of volunteers who selflessly and passionately help single parent
families in need.
Single Wealthy Single Mommy http://www.wealthysinglemommy.com/ - Free:
Site devoted to professional single moms to help single mothers through their journey of building
successful businesses and careers – and enjoy dating and the pursuit of romance and love.